Monday, 22 July 2013

Marriages are bigger and more expensive nowadays than in the past. Why is this the case? Is it a negative or positive development?

There is an obvious fact that marriages today are held in a larger scale and more costly in compared to those weddings celebrated in the past. This trend can be seen as both negative and positive development which is affected by several reasons ranging from internal to external factors.

Coming to the reason why wedding ceremony are bigger and pricey, we can commence first with internal causes which people tend to have a larger wedding this day. People tend to be more generous in this one in the life time occasion especially when having a large number of friends in their circle. Inviting friends, relatives and beloved ones to a luxurious and well organized wedding in a well known restaurant, for example, would fulfill the hosts' satisfaction as they would like to show their hospitality and perhaps to parade their family's wealth. For the external factors, as a matter of fact, marriage services have become better over the time. Marriage industry is growing fast and offering full and professional services which would satisfy their customers and of course it helps add up to the total cost of the ceremony. Lastly, with the aid of the internet, media medium and modern transportation, people feel more connected and easy to travel to the wedding party and have fun together.

The impact of this trend on our life can be both positive and negative. One the one hand, as the purpose of weddings is to express good wishes to a "new connection," the happier the bride and broom might feel whenever more people join the party. Besides, having many friends and beloved one come to the ceremony also is a chance to improve the relationship between them and to expand their network which can be valuable for someone doing business. On the other hand, this can be a big waste of money when people try to empty their pockets for the marriages then try hard to earn them back. Also, this tendency of spending large on weddings can urge the rest of population to follow. Looking at this in a big picture, it could be dangerous for the development of a nation and highly affect the middle and low classes.

In conclusion, marriages are larger and cost more people's money than the past. This fact can be caused by internal or external factor and this affects our life and society in different dimensions. 

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